Jun 26, 2017
Ted Graham, Head of Open Innovation, GM joins us from C2 to discuss doing new and different things as it relates to the company, the industry, the brand and general society. Regarding self driving- hands off the wheel or assisted driving experiences are on the table for 2017. Full automation will be here sooner than you...
Jun 22, 2017
Maria Rapetskaya joins us from C2 Montreal where she takes us through her unique and personal background. She was born and raised initially in Leningrad in the former Soviet Union. Her daring mother who was an entrepreneur in the USSR- something nearly impossible to do, brought her to the United States before the Berlin...
Jun 21, 2017
Jun 20, 2017
Recorded onsite at OPEX Life Sciences, Joe Paris joins us and shares that his father used to say “if it wasn’t for the people problems, management would be great.” Joe says it’s not necessarily that the problem is the people, he thinks the problem is the expectations of both the manager and the employee. People...
Jun 19, 2017
Deborah Kops joins us and brings us back to industry pioneers who started to destroy organizations in order to put something more creative together. She’s skeptical of whether robots will be creative destruction due to the fact that she feels her colleagues are looking at automation as simply process improvement...