Sep 29, 2017
Recorded at Intelligent Automation in Chicago, Kelly Switt joins us as a native Chicagoan who was always a bit of an activist. She’s been told that her nickname is Mako Shark due to the fact that she’s always moving. Kelly was running the six sigma lean group for Citi of course consistently looking at how to improve...
Sep 27, 2017
Sep 26, 2017
Recorded at the OPEX Summit in San Diego, Emmanuel Obiorah joins us as the Director of Process Excellence for Verizon. Going to law school at Harvard and business school at Case, Emmanuel has always had an inclination to be all things. With experience working for GE, Bank of America, and eBay he's come close. And it...
Sep 25, 2017
John Dickens joins us and shares his history- joining the Barclay’s management program out of school which led to five years at the Soho Square training branch where he was involved with Channel 4 in the UK in it’s first year of license. Joining banking was more of a round-about for John. He noticed that the...
Sep 21, 2017
Lee Coulter joins us and discusses what he’s doing in regards to machine learning, what he’s doing in regards to standards around intelligent automation and what you might want to think about on your own automation journey as you go from RPA- or as Lee says, task automation- to more cognitive based solutions for...