Feb 26, 2018
Peter Csucska, the General Manager Business Services Lexmark joins us from SSOW where he shares that his top priority is "challenging the way we work.” He’s pretty confident that the organization’s GBS model is robust. When it works well though, a level of comfort drifts in, and so Peter says at points “we got...
Feb 23, 2018
With 30 years and change of experience in financial services Nigel Trout feels that he must have learned something. He notes the fact that the bigger banks continue to try to find solutions in technology while the upstart fintech’s continue to search for scope and scale. While working at HSBC the focus was on the...
Feb 22, 2018
Hope is not a strategy. So says Wells Fargo’s SVP National Client Service, Heather Magaha who joins us from CCW and further shares that you’ve got to have a plan but at least try something. You can’t sit in status quo or you get nowhere- by definition. You’ve got to be brave. When she came into her role, she did...
Feb 21, 2018
Dominic Hoffmann, the Chief Customer Experience Officer of Lazada Malasia of the Lazada Group of the Alibaba Group joins us and shares that NPS might not be the definition of success as it’s currently widely understood. That said, Dominic does agree that it’s one of the most important KPIs to measure the...
Feb 19, 2018
The Director of Contact Center for Global Services for Johnson & Johnson Katerina Vranovska joins us from Shared Services Eastern Europe in Budapest where she shares that her function was once internally facing and now she services external clients. Based in Prague, the organization is in the process of building a...